Happy Easter!
CLAS End of school
8 martie
Patrick's Week
Today we started celebrating St Patrick’s Day with mini-projects, Irish shamrocks painting and music. A nice atmosphere in an internationally- minded school.
Scoala in pandemie
Scoala CLAS fiind situata in zona superba a Snagovului cu o densitate mica a populatiei, este ferita de o rata de infectie superioara a 3/1000.
Asadar, ne consideram norocosi ca putem face ore la scoala cu dragii nostri profesori cu toate ca trebuie sa purtam masca, sa ne spalam pe maini mai des si sa pastram distanta. Sunt reguli noi dar noi ne simtim bine la scoala ca de obicei si speram sa fim sanatosi!
CLAS halloween experience
Halloween was the theme of the week and we did lots of Maths problem solving, Science activities about the life cycle of the pumpkin, Visual Arts projects and creative lexical crafts. We read scary stories and we created the chain poem starting with “In an old, old house/ There’s an old old chest…
We dressed up as witches, ghosts, goblins, skeletons and we lit up jack-o’lanterns to get rid of the evil spirits. The carnival dancing was the climax.A “scary” learning experience!
Forest day
O zi simbolica din prima saptamana de scoala in care elevii CLAS au explorat imprejurimile si au facut activitati in padure: mandale din frunze, colectionare de bete de marimea palmei, aratatorului si a bratului. Lectii de literacy in limba engleza si de classbuilding punandu-se accent pe deprinderile sociale…
“Our learning adventure begins today…. WE want new classmates. JOIN US” (Lions and Minions)
Festivitate de sfarsit de an scolar!
We are unique in Romania for our vision and our educational approach. We are the happiest students in the world. Have a wonderful summer holiday!